af: Max M Rasmussen

People's Republic of Fermentation - af Sandor Katz

Jeg har nogle opskrifter, artikler og videoer med fermentering. Hvis det interesserer dig så følg den her youtube serie af Sando Katz. Han ved hvad han taler om.

Katz' bog "The Art Of Fermentation" har været min største inspiration. - Max M Rasmussen

Katz rejser rundt i de dele af Kina, hvor de stadigvæk holder traditionerne for fermentering i hævd og aflurer deres teknik. Der er masser af inspiration.

People's Republic of Fermentation // Episode 01: Mrs. Ding's Pickles

People's Republic of Fermentation // Episode 02: A Taste Of The Countryside

People's Republic of Fermentation // Episode 03: Chili Bean Paste, At The Heart Of Flavor

People's Republic of Fermentation // Episode 04: Dong-style Fish And Meat Fermentation

People's Republic of Fermentation // Episode 05: Mijiu Rice Alcohol, Distilled Knowledge

People's Republic of Fermentation // Episode 06: The Tofu Maker


People's Republic of Fermentation // Episode 07: Of Course There's Cheese In China!

People's Republic of Fermentation // Episode 08: South Of The Clouds, Back To The Land